5 Home Renovations with the Best Return on Investment

If you’ve been looking into the possibility of selling your home, it’s the right time to start a home renovation project. However, you can’t just go and randomly pick parts of your home you want to update. Instead, what you need to do is figure out which home renovations will help you get the best return on investment. That said, we’ve compiled a list of 5 home renovations you’ll want to go for when you’re aiming at getting the best ROI possible.
Adding attic insulation
If there’s not enough insulation in your attic, heat can easily escape through it. What this means is that your electricity bill is much higher than it’s supposed to be. And there’s no need to say that buyers are always more ready to invest in a home that allows them to spend less on their monthly expenses. Therefore, adding more attic insulation is definitely something you’ll want to do. There are plenty of insulation materials you can go for with fiberglass and mineral wool being the most popular among them. If you decide to add attic insulation yourself, make sure you wear goggles and safety gloves.
Giving your front yard a makeover
Your front yard is the first thing buyers will get to see when checking out your home. This means that giving it makeover can give you a great ROI, especially if you feel like your front yard is looking a bit tired. What’s so great updating your front yard is that it’s not going to cost you too much. Adding a nice paver walkway and planting new flowers is pretty inexpensive and it’s guaranteed to improve your curb appeal. Not only this, but a front yard makeover can help you make your home stand out from the crowd, which is exactly what modern-day buyers tend to look for.
Remodeling your bathroom
Your bathroom is the part of your home that’s guaranteed to play a huge role when it comes to attracting buyers. Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can add style to your bathroom and make sure buyers fall in love with it with ease. Firstly, you’ll probably want to think about replacing your bath. Just make sure to check out quality baths on offer and find the one that matches the style of your bathroom. Also, adding some natural light to your bathroom is always a good idea. This means you should think about installing a small bathroom window, or something along those lines.
Replacing your garage door
According to experts, one of the best ways to ensure you get a good return on investment is to replace your garage door. There are new types of garage doors available on the market and updating your old garage door could turn out to be an amazing idea. However, it’s very important that you take a closer look at neighboring homes and see what kind of garage doors they have. If none of the nearby homes has smart garage doors, there’s no need for you to invest in one of these. In a similar scenario, getting a standard garage door with an electric opener is your safest bet.
Applying a fresh coat of paint
If it’s been long since you’ve painted your home’s interior last time, you might want to think about applying a fresh coat of paint before you put u that “for sale” sign. Buyers simply love clear and airy spaces and that’s exactly something a new coat of paint will help you achieve. On top of this, painting your interior is inexpensive, which makes it a great option in case you’re working with a tight budget. If you decide to use low-VOC paints, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t mention to the buyers that your home has been painted in a more eco-friendly way.
With these 5 renovations, you should be able to give your home a nice update and get a great return on investment. If you’re not sure which of these you should opt for, we recommend talking to a realtor who understands the local market. Of course, taking a closer look at other homes in your neighborhood and comparing them to yours should also do the trick.
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Writer: Cooper Klien
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